Sunday, February 7, 2016

Eyes of Christ

I want to encourage people to start seeing themselves through the eyes of Christ. I want this generation to start a revolution founded on truth. We are so often crippled by and covered in our own insecurities and the lies of Satan. The lies he so cleverly whispers into our ear about who we are. We walk through different seasons throughout our lifetime… sometimes with confidence as we can see a glimpse of how Jesus sees us; while in other seasons we muddle through and all we can hear is Satan whispering, sometimes it is as if he is screaming completely drowning out the truth.  The lies penetrate our lives, you are not enough, you are unforgiveable, you are ugly, untalented, unwanted, insignificant, things that are just unimaginable, things that Jesus never says of us. He says that you are chosen, that you are loved, accepted, desired, His, that you are created in His image. And so whether it be the season of singleness, or a loss of a job, a disagreement with a loved one, being bullied in school, or whatever that season is that makes those lies so real, I would just encourage you. I would encourage you to dig into the word, to dig into scripture and allow yourself to be wrapped into the arms of Jesus and hear what He is whispering in your ear. To hear what He is saying to your face as he embraces you, and hear who He sees you as. If we begin to see ourselves as Jesus sees us, we can change this world because we will have a confidence that only Jesus can give us. We will have a boldness that can speak the truth into others. We will be covered by His love as we begin to live our lives as His hands and feet. So my prayer is that we would begin to walk as the children of God that Jesus knows us as, rather than walking as a person defined by Satan. So let us look through the eyes of Christ, and see who He created us to be. So let us see with the eyes of Jesus and begin to live the life He has called us to live. Let us start this revolution founded on truth.

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